Friday, September 18, 2015

Training: Workshops on Octave/ Robotics/ MATLAB/ Hobby-electronics

नमस्कार / నమస్కారము /ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ/ வணக்கம் 
 సమాజములో శాస్త్ర విషయాలపై  అవగాహననుఆసక్తిని పె౦చడము ద్వారా మనదేశము స్వావల౦బన సాధి౦చే౦దుకు కృషి చేయుట మన౦దరి విద్యుక్త ధర్మము అని మీకు తెలుసు. ఉత్సాహవ౦తులైన విద్యార్థుల అ౦డద౦డలు మె౦డుగా వు౦డ వివిధ విద్యాలయాలను స౦దర్శి౦చి మా బృ౦దము వివిధ ప్రయోగాలనుగణిత౦తో గారడీలను చేసి చూపుతో౦ది/ నేర్పుతో౦ది. మీ విద్యాలయములో కూడా అట్టి ప్రదర్శనను ఏర్పాటు చేయదలిస్తే, Octave/ MATLABరోబోటిక్స్  కార్యశాల  కావాల౦టే  స౦ప్రది౦చగలరు.   
పద్యాల విక్రమ్ కుమార్ (8331926163 సదా బి ఎస్ ఎన్ ఎల్)
భారత వికాస సమితి

नमस्कार / నమస్కారము /ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ/ வணக்கம்
If you wish to have Octave/ MATLAB/ SCILAB/ Robotics workshop (useful to all Science & Engg. students/ faculty) as a part of the upcoming tech fest at your college, please contact the undersigned. In case it is not possible for you to accommodate our workshop during the tech fest, the workshop may be organized at some other time. 

The course contents can be tailored as per the requirements of your inst. By default, the content is likely to cover the topics mentioned in the 2nd attachment, if you choose 'Octave/ Scilab/ Matlab'. In Robotics, we (myself & Rohit) will teach line-follower/ MEMS-based robo (with& without programming), etc., 

పద్యాల విక్రమ్ కుమార్
Padyaala Vikram Kumar (8331926163 always BSNL)
भारत विकास समिति

Some things that we touch upon.....(to give a feel of what we deal during the workshop on Octave/ MATLAB)
1) If someone is asked to draw a 'sine' wave, generally, they draw a 'bent curve type'. Not many know that it can be drawn as a single straight line also ( frequency domain)! Moreover, many ppl know the shape of sine wave (how it looks), but very few know how it sounds to ears! (Listening to a Sine wave)

2) Sampling theorem: Among two  time-domain signals,the one which has less width in time-domain will have generally more width in frequency domain...a well known fact will be shown live in three formats (normal data (just numbers), voice and image. )! 

3)  Pitfalls while writing MATLAB code/ analyzing results
Say, a =

    1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
    3.0000    4.0000    5.0001

>> rank(a)

ans =


>> eig(a)

ans =

  rank=3(full rank matrix). From theory, we know that when a matrix has full rank, none of the eigen values are zeros. But from the illustration given here, there is contradiction. Why? What to do to get same answer as predicted in theory?

The details: 

Useful for all departments. I will be giving applications (live demo) from various streams including mechanical/ chemical/ management etc., Even the staff (accountants / clerks etc.,) who sit in office rooms can attend to know how to do better data processing as an alternate to 'Excel'

I will try 2 cover the following topics and depending on the grasping
speed & time available.  I can go on to advanced topics.

The topics include the Btech & Mtech syllabus on Engineering
Mathematics, Signals & Systems, DSP, Control Systems, Advanced DSP, Image processing fundamentals, Spectral estimation, Adaptive signal processing.
Various Maths tools..differentiation/ integration/ finding area under curve/ curve fitting... 
Introduction to basics of signals & systems, DSP (theory session)
Introduction to MATLAB (basic commands / operations on matrices without
specialized tool box), Simulink

Linear & Circular  Convolution

DFT using FFT

IDFT using FFT

2N- point DFT using  N-point FFT for real sequence

Finding N-point DFTs of 2 N-point real sequences simultaneously using
N-point FFT

Filter designing

Sampling applications

Control Systems with MATLAB: Stability analysis using Bode/ Nyquist plots,
State-space, Time-domain analysis, controllability, observability
Integration/ differentiation/ finding area under a curve/ finding solution of a 

Advanced Topics (Can be covered if time is available): Spectral estimation by Autocorrelation, Welch methods /  window techniques

Parametric Estimation of ARMA /MA /AR processes  - Pades Approximation /
Prony’s  & Shanks methods

Filter designing – FIR  design by windowing  ; IIR design by Butterworth &
Chebyshev (LPF/ HPF/ BPF/ BSF); Design of min. phase filters, all pass

Adaptive Signal Processing: LMS algorithm and its advanced versions such
as  FxLMS / FsLMS (single channel & multichannel cases) in time and
frequency domains.

The workshop is intended for students, staff &  faculty. 

Additionally, topics such as how to identify the copied part given two files which may have some portion common. Technical plotting tool will be explained. Curve fitting option other than MATLAB will be shown. Alternative softwares to MATLAB will be compared with some examples / simulations.

The event will be due to the grace of several ppl/ organizations who wish to share knowledge and hence as fee, the participants are supposed to make a promise that they will use the acquired knowledge for the betterment of the world (Eat vegetarian only).

we will be happy to know the topics you feel to be given more stress
during the course.

This info. can be forwarded to other faculty.

पि. विक्रम कुमार (పద్యాల విక్రమ్ కుమార్ P. VIKRAM KUMAR)
+91-8331926163 (always BSNL)

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