
नमस्कार / ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ/ வணக்கம்/ নমস্কাৰ/ નમસ્તે/ ଶୁଣିବେ/ നമസ്കാരം
The syllabus mentioned is the default syllabus (shown for 2 days but can be adjusted). If ur org/ dept. has specific needs, the syllabus can be tailored accordingly. Emphasis will be given to cover the syllabus of ECE/ EEE students mainly. The content will be useful for those from other depts.. also. 5 minutes about Scilab/ Octave/ R....the open source softwares

Intelligently using the .xls read/write to reduce draft paper length (sateesh_problem) 

Want to play ‘కైలాసము kailaasam’/ Ludo game but don’t have ‘గవ్వలు gavvalu’/ dice?.. Here is the solution (benefit of teaching younger brothers & sisters)

The sacred festival... रक्षा बंधन Raksha bandhan: Creating one’s own raakhee design

1. (09:00-11:15) Common to all Dept. (includes Dept. of Mathematics/ Physics ):
Datatypes, Limits, nth derivative (geometric application: slope of the curve), integration-(single/multiple)/ (indefinite/definite) Laplace transform & its inverse: derivative property, linearity property Solving differential equations & their applications: Half-life period (chemistry), bacterial growth, simple harmonic motion (physics) Fourier series: Unity message of Synthesis using Simulink. Maadhavan series (popularly called McLauren’s series), Taylor series, Matrices: trace, LU decomposition, SVD, condition number, deciding the no. of solutions depending on rank of A and A|B, solving set of linear algebraic equations: finding point of intersection of two st. lines, Jacobian, Partial derivative & integration (marginal/ joint distributions in probability) Numerical methods: solving algebraic/ transcendental equation by regular-falsi & Newton-Raphson methods, solving set of linear equation by Gauss-Jordan method/ Gauss elimination method.

1. (11:30 – 13:15) Common to all Dept.
Graphical user interface: Click on a button to display time/ photo, plot, stem, editing plots, comet, real/ imaginary part, rectangularßà polar, square-root of complex number, operations on complex no.s(+,-.*,/), conjugate, size/ length, tic, toc, factorial, circshift, finding roots of a polynomial(roots), finding the polynomial with given roots(poly), finding value of polynomial for given x(polyval), partial fractions(residue), sort, unique సమితి (Set theory): union, intersect, setdiff, ismember, issorted, sort Fourier series by writing program binary_decimal_game (పట్టికలు/ నదులు) warning off, fliplr, Logarithm to any base, nth root, nth power of, absolute value, median, mode, variance, cylinder, pie-chart, histogram, వేగముగా ఐదు సంఖ్యల కూడిక, బారతీయ భాషలలో టైపు చేయటం పది నిమిషాల్లో నేర్చుట (Typing in various Indian languages can be learnt in about 9minutes)

1. (14:00 – 15:00) CSE ppl. can also attend
Programming: if-else, switch-case, writing functions (calling function from main prog), swapping of two numbers without using 3rd variable, write prog: Maadhavan series of sine wave & find value at pi/6, ఆడుకోవడానికి అద్భుత బంతి, వేగ గణితము; showing 2sinαcosα=sin2α using simulink. Strcmp, Strcat, Strfind, numel, edit file, edit data in a array, generate a text file. Digital circuits..logic gates using MATLAB, plotyy

1. (15:15 – 17:00)
Signals & Systems, DSP: Basic signals, demonstrating the impulse, Proving that convolution is studied in 7th class, Linear & Circular Convolution, relation between conv & corr, DFT using FFT, finding DFT using a program, IDFT using FFT, impulse response & its relation to step response, pole-zero plot, magnitude & phase spectra, DFT of a real(complex) sequence, stability, causality, all-pass filter, min-phase, max-phase systems, inverse systems, Sampling నేర్పించే జీవన పాఠము, energy of a given signal Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Mod. & Demod.;PWM , PPM - Mod. & Demod.; Drawing block diagrams using MATLAB and saving in eps format Properties of Fourier transform: scaling/shifting/inverting a signal....effect on magnitude/ phase responses.

useful for Mech. /EEE/ Civil also: Network theorems such as Superposition/ Nortons/ Thevenin/ Reciprocity/ Tellegan's theorems; Control Systems with MATLAB: Stability analysis using bode/ polar/ Nyquist plots, GM, PM, rlocus, State-space: controllability, observability, Time-domain analysis: under damped, over damped, critically damped systems, time const. Compare results of State-space & TF methods using Simulink. Capture noise..say from motor(borewell/ fan), generate inverted signal, play simultaneously to cancel noise effect (audacity/ matlab)

Matlab/ Simulink interface with Arduino

Last 15min: Feed-back, Assignment/home work

2. (09:15-11:15)
Communications & DSP: Amplitude modulation/demodulation, FM, शास्रीय संगीत (sound, pause), input, display, rand & randn w.r.t mean & var. Filter designing- FIR, IIR, location of zeros of linear phase FIR filters and implications, spectrum, windows: application in radar-signal processing, periodogram
2N- point DFT using N-point FFT for real sequence, Finding N-point DFTs of 2N-point real sequences simultaneously using N-point FFT

2. (11:30-13:15) CSE ppl can also attend
Image & Speech Processing: rotation, RGB components adding upto complete image, పర్వతాన్ని ఫలహారముగా స్వీకరించుట weighted addition of images, down sampling, కుడి ఎడమైతే, adding noise to image, types of noises, 2-D convolution, histogram (intelligence test -,|), histogram equalization, bit-plane slicing, edge detection, Image enhancement/ deblurring, dilation, erosion, speech/ image signal as password for opening door (खुऱजा ससम ससम), Applications in Military/industry/town-planning/agriculture; Adding noise to speech file and removing the same by filtering.

2. (14:00 – 17:00) Miscellaneous
Optimization: for loop, sparse matrix, profiling; curve-fitting (MATLAB cftool, data fit),
LMS algorithms as applied to active noise control, system-identification,
generating multiplication tables 1 to 20 in 1minute,
Beyond Compare,
introduction to Latex,
interfacing Arduino board (say, for displaying ‘bhaarat mahaan’ on LCD/ adjustable timer), basics of robotics with(/without) Bluetooth & Arduino control,

NPTEL awareness..the power house,
magic square (రామానుజన్), eye, Right divison(\),

MATLAB based project ideas
(train speed/ tuning, musical instrument/ health of motor/ పీపా ఎంత నిండినది/ అభిజిత్ పక్షులు, open door by voice command/ fingerprint match, intrusion...),
For variety of reasons it may happen that we cover only 70% of the topics mentioned.

జాతీయ గీతము (National anthem at the end)

Some of the other topics which may be covered are given below, if time permits
 Adaptive Signal Processing: Advanced versions of LMS such as FxLMS / FsLMS (single channel & multichannel cases) in time and frequency domains (These will be told in the context of applications like Active Noise Control)

Linear prediction, Spectral estimation by Autocorrelation, Welch methods / window techniques;Parametric Estimation of ARMA /MA /AR processes - Pades Approximation / Prony’s & Shanks methods
పది నిమిషాల్లో పద్యము వ్రాయుట NAND, NOR, AND, OR, NOT ...for school @Rs. 45 జతపర్చు ఆట @ Rs. 45 తొట్టిలో నీరు ఎంత వున్నది తెలిపే సాధనము<=Rs. 50

Labview basics  

If the organizers/ audience are interested, I can talk on....
·         research methodology
·         how to improve educational standards with ease
·         college can do a lot to the society
·         bringing out the best of each person
·         Higher education/ job prospects in public sector
·         5S, how to get sponsored projects, effective utilization of resources, etc.
పాల్గొనేవారికి టీ / కాఫీ వంటి మత్తు పదార్థాల బదులు పండ్ల రసము/ మజ్జిగ/ నిమ్మకాయ రసము/ కొబ్బరిబోండాం వంటివి ఇవ్వవచ్చు. దుబారా ఖర్చులు వద్దండి. మా కొరకు భోజన ఏర్పాట్లు అవసరము లేదు. No need of formalities. Let the available time be used effectively. బహుమతిగా  తెలుగు/హిందీ పుస్తకాలు ఇవ్వవచ్చు.
We will be happy to know the topics you feel to be given more stress during the course. This document can be forwarded to other faculty.
What we need: Interested audience! Good public addressing system (at least 2 mikes)/ Projector/ Provision to connect Laptop/ audio jack to be connected to Laptop/ board to write/ Laptop with MATLAB installed

Free video lectures can be accessed in native languages:
पि. विक्रम कुमार (పద్యాల విక్రమ్ కుమార్ P. Vikram Kumar)
भारत विकास समिति 8500386163/ 8331926163 (always BSNL)

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