Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Plz Tell in schools...IIT KGP

U r associated with children in someway or the other in this society..so this is relevant 2 u. So plz pass this info to schools

If someone is applying based on this mail sent by 'vikram bhayya'..plz let me know by mail (vikrambhayya@gmail.com)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Relations Cell, IIT Kharagpur <alumni@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in>
Date: Tue 24 Jul, 2018, 1:54 PM
Subject: Help Register Schools for IIT KGP Young Innovators' Program
To: <nparasa@gmail.com>

Alumni Networking Requested for IIT KGP
Young Innovators' Program School Registrations

Greetings Kgpian,

Relations Cell, a student body under the aegis of Dean, International Relations has organized the second edition of the Young Innovators' Program. This is an innovation competition for students studying in VIII-X standard, aimed to support the outreach initiative of IIT Kharagpur to the bright young minds of the country aspiring for a career in the field of science and technology.

Students are required to register through their schools in a team of three and submit project proposals based on the following themes: Clean Energy, Hardware Modelling, Health and Cleanliness, Product Designing, Resource Management, Disaster Management.

The registration entry fee is Rs. 100/- per student. The event registration will close on July 31, 2018. 
Click here to register for the event. 

We request the alumni community to approach their schools and also other schools in their region to register for this one of a kind national-level competition. 

Kgpians have inspired generations of Indians to aim higher and achieve better. Through the Young Innovators' Program, we urge you to spread this inspiration wide across the schools in the country ensuring larger participation from the student community.

For any query please contact - Shashank Mishra (7431066333), Aman Yadav (7430011333); Email: barc@iitkgp.ac.in

Looking forward to your cooperation and support. 


Members of Branding and Relations Cell 
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नमस्कार / నమస్కారము /ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ/ வணக்கம்/ নমস্কাৰ/ નમસ્તે/ ସୁପ୍ରଭାତ/ നമസ്കാരം

For MATLAB/ Arduino_Robotics workshop at your college contact 8331926163/ 8500386163. Dhanyavaad
CV can be seen at http://padaayi.blogspot.in/
Some video lectures can be seen at: http://padaayi.blogspot.in/p/blog-page_27.html

पि. विक्रम कुमार

మనిషి తినవలసినది శాకాహారమే. Human being should eat vegetarian food only. 
మెదడుకు పదునుపెట్టే ఆటవస్తువులు కొనాలంటే To buy science based games/ toys..www.arvindguptatoys.com
During travelling..play with rubic cube/ sudoku/ Chess; or discuss quantitative aptitude.

మనిషి తినవలసినది శాకాహారమే. Human being should eat vegetarian food only. 
మెదడుకు పదునుపెట్టే ఆటవస్తువులు కొనాలంటే To buy science based games/ toys..www.arvindguptatoys.com
During travelling..play with rubic cube/ sudoku/ Chess; or discuss quantitative aptitude.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Fwd: PAN No= AHZPV9123D

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: vikram kumar <vikram2036.iitm@gmail.com>
Date: 10 February 2017 at 20:40
Subject: PAN No= AHZPV9123D
To: Jancy <Jancy@caddcentre.com>, Suganya B <suganyasan@livewireindia.com>

My PAN card no= AHZPV9123D


From: Suganya B [mailto:suganyasan@livewireindia.com]
Sent: 09 February 2017 17:31
Subject: MATLAB Freelancer invoice


Dear Ms. Jancy,


PFA the invoice which we have received from the MATLAB freelancer Mr. Vikram.



Best regards,


Suganya B



మనిషి తినవలసినది శాకాహారమే. Human being should eat vegetarian food only. 
మెదడుకు పదునుపెట్టే ఆటవస్తువులు కొనాలంటే To buy science based games/ toys..www.arvindguptatoys.com
During travelling..play with rubic cube/ sudoku/ Chess; or discuss quantitative aptitude.

మనిషి తినవలసినది శాకాహారమే. Human being should eat vegetarian food only. 
మెదడుకు పదునుపెట్టే ఆటవస్తువులు కొనాలంటే To buy science based games/ toys..www.arvindguptatoys.com
During travelling..play with rubic cube/ sudoku/ Chess; or discuss quantitative aptitude.

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