Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Robotics: Fwd: Call for JRF position

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satheeshkumar G <satheeshkumarg@ssn.edu.in>
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: Call for JRF position
To: Elango M <elango.m@vit.ac.in>, Ramki peil <ramakrishnan20@gmail.com>, jinka.ranganayakulu@gmail.com, vikram2036@gmail.com, Gopalakrishnan Prabhakaran <g.prabha2006@gmail.com>, Venkatachalapathi Nynaru <vecdr.venkat@gmail.com>

This is a call for the position of JRF under the project funded by Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India titled "Design, Development and Implementation of Networked Reconfigurable In-Pipe Robots for Inspection and Scavenging Applications".


 (1) First class M.E/ M.Tech in appropriate specialization (preferably Robotics/Mechatronics/E&I/instrumentation; others could also apply).


  (2) First class B. E in appropriate domain with GATE or Equivalent Qualification


Candidates with prior experience in areas like Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation etc., are encouraged to apply. 


Duration                                  : 2 years

Emoluments                            : Rs. 25,000/month as per DST Norms

Other Opportunity                  : Can enrol and receive M.S (By Research) or Ph.D under Anna University during the period.

The interested and eligible candidates should send the resume to the PI latest by 15th September 2017. The interview date will be communicated to the eligible candidates through e-mail.

Kindly spread the word to bring in deserving candidates into the loop. 

Warm regards,

Dr. Satheesh Kumar Gopal

Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

SSN College of Engineering

Kalavakkam – 603 110, Chennai

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