Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Lawyer police corruption in court

On 19-12-17 around 17:00...high court lawyer NagEshwar pujAri was telling his asst advocate bhAskar to give Ra. 2000 note(he took out from his pocket & then upon noticing my presence  ..stopped for that moment) to rAjendranagar police. This happened in the rajendranagar court premesis itself ... So many such unethical practices r bringing bad name foe our country & common looses hope on judicial system => danger for society. System is forcing ppl to become corrupt. On 17-12-17...these police were taking a innocent person( on whom malicious allegations were made...& investigation revealed that the allegations r cooked up/ exaggerated) to show to judge at his house. Enroute they made this person to pay heavy bill for non veg food at this that person accumulated more sin(as it resulted in violence against hen/ goat using his hardearned money). Bcoz of such things the police department got/ getting bad name. If police take action on whistle blowers instead of those who asked for bribe ..then society cannot progress!

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