Monday, January 29, 2018

Offer 2 boys preparing seriously for competitive tests like ies/gate

Special offer to boys writing gate in 2018/19....vikrambhayya (and/or more person who did mtech at NIT) .. thinking of being available freely to such interested boys during 30jan--7feb in guntur/ tenAli. This is helpful to those who r already getting 20-40marks in practice tests ECE/ Eee preferably. Other dept ppl inrerested in improving math skills also welcome. This is not for others now. It is not that we know all answers. This is a platform for healthy discussions. Mostly ...the group of ppl will sit in one place and keep reading practicing on their own.suddenly if doubt comes..others wil try 2 help. This is for serious(average) ppl only...but not for those who r aiming rank within 1000. Staying free. Every one will eat outside at their own cost. They should come in formal dress. Decent ppl only. Plz don't pay any amount to anyone regarding this offer. Interested ppl can mail to on or before 24-1-17. Everyone should value others time 8331926163

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