Saturday, April 27, 2019

నమస్కారము internship: Padaayi is our own startup...

नमस्कार నమస్కారము

U can apply through internshala if u wish (so that it looks official; for this u need  to go to then search for Padaayi  or science based toys) else bcoz u have already sent ur CV...that itself can b considered as Ur application.

When u r a bit free on sat/ sun...plz give a ring so that we can discuss what/ how exactly u wil do. 

The kits (slabs 32 & arm processor based board) Wil b sent to by post and u can start working. Online help is available for both from respective companies which manufacture them. 

For example...using slabs32 board ..u may start doing 'blinking led/ traffic lights/ soil moisture sensor based watering plants/ water level indicator with IoT features/ home automation/ wheel chair for paralyzed persons and many more.
U can take help of Ur faculty/ friends/ seniors/ juniors...per week u can work Min 2hrs to 10hrs. No work pressure. 
Whatever u design...u can show in science exhibition and get prizes. U Wil get credit for Ur contribution. Once u make things...just take small video it works... (తెలుగు హిందీ భాషల్లో వ్యాఖ్యానం చెబుతూ)...them upload into ur college YouTube channel ...send the links to Padaayi. In the video u can display Ur పేరు_mailid beside the product. that others cannot claim ownership on it!
మీరు పంపే మెయిల్స్ ని మీ అధ్యాపకులకు cc చేయండి. Whenever ppl talk to me over phone...they can voice record the calls
and use information/ideas for non-commercial (/good) academic purpose.

If u r ok with the things...just tell me frm when u should b considered as the intern. U have freedom to quit frm internship by informing 18 days in advance. Duration: 1month to 3months based on the convenience of the student(this flexibility is given bcoz...Ur faculty may Give u assignments/ conduct exams..and we don't want to pressure giving strict deadlines..we will give gentle remainder of needed!). I can assure that it will b a launchpad for getting a bigger job in near future.

If u r willing to join...let me know whether u can spend about Rs. 5000 for components... U can buy wherever u want...and the components Wil b with u permanently.
 If u cannot spend problem.. we will send by post ..but then... U need to give back the components (in the form of finished product) after u complete the internship!


On Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 11:22 prathyusha.n 41 < wrote:
If this virtual internship can be done from my place ,it sounds interesting because I can attend college and after college timing I can do this. Can you please send me the link to apply for intern and also complete details of this intern and course duration.Thank you.

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