Saturday, October 6, 2018

Re: धन्यवाद received RS. 2000 as remuneration

Dear Sir,
Thank you for the information.   
I really thank you form the bottom of the heart for sharing your beautiful knowledge with our students. Even the faculty have appreciated your skills. I will surely let you know if we plan any such activities in the future.

Can you please share which type of activity can you conduct for faculty.


On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 12:48 PM विक्रम भय्या vikramkumar <> wrote:
धन्यवाद received RS. 2000 as remuneration on 5-10-18 for conducting the workshops on matlab/ mathematical magics. This mail shall remain as the proof for that.

As I said yesterday evening..our team can conduct Arduino workshop at highly subsidized price.. ur hod told that college paid RS 24000 for 2days recently. In 2018...We can do it for RS. 8000 - RS. 13000(if 1-2 resource person comes). As u is not the major criteria..we want Students to inculcate good habits by submitting assigments. U can plan for other dept it is a general topic. In 2days ..the participants will able to do at least 3mini projects. 
Matlab workshop can b had for RS. 3000 per day.
You can inform ur friends/ colleagues..especially the one who attended the AnurAg Coll workshop

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